Journal Title | : Maqashiduna: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam |
E-ISSN | : 3046-7772 |
DOI Prefix | : Prefix by Crossref |
Editor in Chief | : Nor Fadillah |
Managing Editor | : Muhammad Helmi |
Publisher | : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Falah Banjarbaru |
Frequency | : 2 issues per year (June and December) |
Maqashiduna is the journal of the Islamic family law study program at the Al Falah Islamic High School, Banjarbaru, in line with the five maqashid of sharia (goals of Islamic law) which maintain the five pillars of sharia law, namely: hifdzu din (protecting religion), hifdzu nafs (protecting oneself), hifdz nasal (guarding offspring), hifdz 'aql (guarding reason) and hifdz maal (guarding property). This journal focuses on the study of Islamic family law, both civil law and engagement in the realm of Islamic law and positive law.
Law and society will be expressed in behavior that continues to be maintained and is called culture, therefore this journal also examines cultures in Islamic family law, both culture in marriage and Islamic inheritance in society, this is an interesting research object in academic world.
Islamic family law also covers matters related to transaction phenomena in the current era, this is also a study that we focus on because every day there will be new phenomena, both types and models of transactions, which cannot be separated from the scope of sharia law.
This journal will be a forum for scientific studies of both Islamic law in general, and Islamic family law and Islamic economic law in particular. Contained in the study of positive law, jurisprudence, legal phenomena, and legal philosophy. This journal is published twice a year in June and December.

Vol 2, No 2 (2024): December 2024
Table of Contents
Amrul Irsyadi, Surawardi Surawardi
Muhammad Erfan, Nor Fadillah, Fitriah Fitriah
Hasbullah Hasbullah
Ahmad Basyir, Wahyu Fitrianoor, Anisah Norlaila Hayati
Ahmad Nabil Amir